Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

e-Procurement and Intervention from Official Regency

Auctions through Electronic Procurement Service (LPSE) is a smart and right strategy to prevent corruption. LPSE is a means to foster public confidence in the system of Government Procurement. LPSE provide a paradigm shift in the field of procurement of goods/services from conventional to electronic means with the most effective, efficient, open, competitive, transparent, fair, non-discriminatory, and accountable.

LPSE present to prevent interference in the procurement of goods/services of the government, so that the existence of e-procurement, should no longer intervene in the procurement of goods/services. Procurement Committee should dare to oppose intervention leading to a breach in the procurement of goods/services in each of SKPD.

But it turns out in practice, many procurement committee/working group of ULP is still under pressure, both from the Committing Officer (PPK), Agent of Budget User (KPA)/ Budget Users (PA), even the "Respectable Gentlemen Official" who have high positions in the government structure, and also on behalf of the partner authorities.

As a Case Study

At the tender of Inspectorate Office Building Development Project in the Lima Puluh Kota Regency of West Sumatra Province conducted by Field of Human Settlements Public Works Department of Lima Puluh Kota Regency, auctions were announced on July 12, 2012 by SPSE, with Rated Pagu Rp. 1.7 billion. Bidders who entered 5 company, the arithmetic correction and obtained the lowest order based on the results of consecutive arithmetic correction were CV. Prima jasa, CV. Putra Jaya Brother’s, CV. Brother Hood, CV. Embun Suri and CV. Riau Niaga Group.
Having evaluated by the Procurement Committee, the number 1st result sequence from arithmetic correction was CV. Prima Jasa corrected bid value of Rp. 1.35 billion worthy and entitled to be a winner. The number 2sd, CV. Putra Jaya Brother’s fell because the name of the package being offered to the Letter of Offer did not match the name of the package being auctioned. The Number 3th CV. Brother Hood passed evaluation. The number 4th, CV. Embun Suri (with a bid value of Rp. 1.5 billion) fell due to the bid document downloaded from the SPSE did not contain the scanned of Original Bid Security.

While the Procurement Committee would invited the participants for clarification and proof, KPA/Head of Human Settlements of Public Work Department (Mr. Elfi Novit) came and contacted the head of Procurement Committee, asked to win the number 4 CV. Embun Suri, so described by the head Procurement Committee that it was impossible to win number 4 because there was lack of completeness. Unsatisfied, Mr. Head of Human Settlements of Public Work Department (Mr. Elvi Nofit) began to threaten the head Procurement Committee, that the Procurement Committee should be loyal to the superiors. Still after getting this threat, Procurement Committee explained that it was not possible, because the company expected to win the tender by Mr. Elfi Novit did not have sufficient completeness.
Still not quite satisfied, then chairman of the Procurement Committee contacted by the personnel in charge of echelon II (Head of BKD, Mr. Indra Nazwar), asked to win number 4 (again), and with little threat. Once again the Head of Procurement Committee explained that it still was impossible to win number 4.

Since getting threats and commands like this precisely from the superiors himself (Mr. Indra Nazwar), finally the Procurement Committee held a meeting with the Head of Public Works Department, and the Head of Public Works Department proposal were still run according to procedure. And after the end of the meeting, the Procurement Committee still decided to win the No. 1 CV. Prima Jasa.

In this regard the Procurement Committee has made financial savings the state, where the difference in number 1 to number 4 is approximately Rp. 150 million.


As long as Officials Regency can not change the mindset of those who have "Conservative", the bureaucracy reform will never successfully implemented.

Hopefully ... hopefully god awaken people who have corrupted the ... Aminnn

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